After more than a decade actively participating and building Polish space safety from ground up - it’s time for me to step down for a while and recover. It’s been a long road, and I became one of the key people in Polish SST - as I heard today during an off-the-record meeting at Polish Space Association. My marathon body told me that it’s time to stop - but I will be back much stronger in Polish space sector - both physically and mentally. For the last decade I participated, managed, building the Sybilla’s heritage and capabilities, and now - having things to show, like the smallest object observed by an optical sensor, like space-safety-pushing-the-limits metric I can only be proud of - I can only feel proud of everything we accomplished - as a company, a team, an consortium member. I showed you, dear friends, that we can really achieve the goals, that we really know how to track satellites, and do it commercially, that we can cooperate and we have our piece of sky that we are responsible for - and that this is our, solely our job to do, our duty, to keep satellites safely in orbit, so that the rescue team can rescue people in danger, on time (po to by karetka pogotowia dojechała na czas). Stay safe and stay tuned! I’ll be flying around.