#spacesafetyespresso: there are more than 130 mln of debris of size 1mm to 1cm and more than a milion of size larger than 1cm which can cause a catastrophic damage. Bilions of pieces smaller than 1mm, including micrometeroids. 75% of objects larger than 10cm are not active satellites. The rest is powering our morning coffees.
Orbital trick-and-treat: Collisions with micro debris may not disrupt your satellite operations, as seen in recent post of Kongsberg NanoAvionics, but no one is saying you will not lose the slot an orbit after, as we’ve seen recently with the Intelsat-33e.
Orbital trick-or-treat: Which space debris would you bite? Which one would you take on the chin? Do you know where is your satellite in orbit and what is doing, or is it already lost in space? Do you monitor its neighborhood for threats or you have no idea where to start?
Is it an ad of an insurance company? No it’s not. Yet.
Enjoy your espressos!