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Podaj Dalej Student Magazine

Editor in-chief, Technical Editor and author (2006-2010).

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I debuted as an author in Podaj Dalej just before the summer of 2006, with poems and short essays. Unexpectedly, due to team changes at the beginning of 2006/2007 semester, I took an Editor in-chief role, having the very first issue coordinated in November 2006.

During the year, we did few notable changes to the magazine, introducing Editorial and Warsztat sections (poetry), reorganizing content approach, layout improvements, finally, having a colour cover for the very first time (w.r.t. fully black-and-white issues before). The summer of 2007 faced me with DTP-team changes, and I had to take this role as well. I started to learn how to lay out the magazine, using Scribus. The October 2007 issue was the very first with the new layout, and logotype. And was completely unexpected by the community of the DA Studnia. This was a bold move.

That time I introduced also a new content management approach, based on Drupal, having all materials in one place (from Draft, through Review to Published states). I integrated the database with Scribus scripting engine, which vastly reduced time spent on preparing and laying out the content for print. It allowed for more efficient and streamlined article flow and publishing process. And, at the same time the printed magazine was available to the community, its digital counterpart was ready to download and read on the magazine’s website.

The Podaj Dalej itself became a platform for thoughts, a playground for writers, a great DTP journey of mine and launched the Piekary24 poetry group. I learned a lot – I literally mean a lot – during the work there, and met fantastic people, life-long friends.

I stepped out from the Editor in-chief role by the end of 2009, having more duties and the University, and passed the Technical Editor role within the next year. I finally left the magazine by the end of 2010.

Years later, I heard I became a Podaj Dalej legend. If it wasn’t the great opportunity and DA Studnia community created around Toruń Jesuits, especially Krzysztof Dorosz SJ, I couldn’t have a chance to meet my interests and leading the magazine. I was only someone who was involved in, a part of a greater team, who once, unexpectedly to himself, volunteered for becoming an Editor In-chief.